Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Check your credit history thoroughly. Look for errors and make sure the information in the report is correct and up to date. If you believe that the information in your credit report is incorrect, contact the financial institution that reported the information to see if an error was made. You could also file a dispute with the three credit-reporting bureaus explaining your situation.

Pay your bills on time. Although the payment of your utility bills, such as phone, cable and electricity, is not recorded in your credit report, some companies may report late payments to the credit-reporting agencies, which could affect your score. Try to pay your bills in full by the due date. If you aren't able to do this, pay at least the required minimum amount shown on your monthly credit card statement.

Try to pay your debts as quickly as possible. The faster you pay your loans the less interest you will pay in the long run which means more available money to pay other bills.

Don't go over the credit limit on your credit card. Try to keep your balance below 25% of the limit. The higher your balance, the more impact it has on your credit score. You're better off spreading out your debt between three or four different cards than having it all piled on one card.

Reduce the number of credit applications you make. If too many potential lenders ask about your credit in a short period of time, this may have a negative effect on your score. However, your score does not change when you ask for information about your own credit report.

If you need to check your credit or want to know how to improve it, call mortgage specialist Alex at (416) 723-9383 (cell)

Alexandre Malkhassiants, Mortgage Specialist,
Centum Mortgage Decision
Office: (416) 391-3232
Cell: (416) 723-9383
Web site:
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